Make no mistake about it, car insurance companies are for-profit enterprises. They are in it to make money and they will raise your rates if they have a good reason to do so. In Utah, however, you do have some protection if you are not at fault for the accident. To...
In religious societies, like the one where I live; there are many people who have a moral objection to suing people. They read scriptures like 1 Corinthians 6:1-8 and question whether they are justified in suing someone who has wronged them, your lawsuit can make the...
I love it when clients share wisdom with me. I recently helped a retired client settle a personal injury claim after a significant automobile accident. Over the course of her case, we had the chance to have many conversations. make sure to lean your ladder against the...
Imagine you were just in accident and you hurt your neck. You file an insurance claim thinking everything will go smoothly, the dreaded pre existing condition and what it means for injury claim. After all, your neck did not hurt before your accident, but it sure...
Automobile insurance companies hold the upper hand when dealing with people on personal injury claims. The insurance company has better access to information, they have more experience, and they have all the money in the world so there is no pressure on them...