The worker’s compensation insurance company is required by law to pay you certain benefits. They are not allowed to stop paying those benefits unless you are returned to health or certain other factors are met and can workers comp stop payment without notice. It is important that you understand your rights.
When Can Worker’s Compensation Stop Paying Benefits?
The workers compensation insurance company should provide you notice any time they decide to stop paying your benefits. This notice will include the date on which your benefits will stop and a reason they will no longer be paying your benefits as per schrieverlaw. Some of the common reasons workers compensation insurance companies stop paying benefits are:
- A doctor says you are able to return to work
- Your employer offers you suitable light duty work
- A doctor says you have reached maximum medical improvement
- The insurance company determines you were injured somewhere other than work, and
- The insurance company’s doctor says you had a pre-existing condition.
There are other reasons that insurance companies deny benefits, but these are the most common ones we see.

What Can I Do if Worker’s Comp Denies My Benefits?
If you have received a denial from worker’s compensation insurance, the first thing you should do is contact your claims adjuster. Sometimes the adjuster will be able to work with you to resolve whatever issue caused the insurance company to stop paying your benefits.
If that does not work, you should consider hiring a lawyer to help you file an Application for Hearing with the Adjudication Division of the Utah Labor Commission. A lawyer can help guide you to present the right arguments and gather the right evidence.
How Much Will It Cost to Hire a Lawyer?
Most worker’s compensation attorneys accept good worker’s compensation cases on a contingency fee basis. can workers comp stop payment without notice. That means the lawyer will agree to represent you without having to pay any money up front. Once you get a settlement or a verdict, the lawyer will take a percentage of the amount of money you collect.
If the insurance company has denied your claim or stopped paying your benefits, you have absolutely nothing to lose if you hire a lawyer.